Service 2 Node (Experimental)

Updated October 11, 2021 by Shaquu

This node represents Service 2 in HomeKit. Service 2 is an experimental feature.

When hosted behind the Bridge it will also represent Accessory.


Below you can find the list of configurable parameters for Service Node (this Node can also be found as a homekit node or homekit-service).

Service Hierarchy

Choose if this node will represent Parent (or Primary) Service or Linked one.

Option Description
Parent Node will be used as Primary Service. The Primary Service must match the primary function of the accessory and must also match with the accessory category. An accessory must expose only one primary service from its list of available services.
Linked Node will be used as a Linked Service. Linked Services allows accessories to specify logical relationship between services. A service can link to one or more services. A service must not link to itself. Service links have context and meaning only to the first level of services that it links to.


We want to configure Air Quality Sensor which is battery powered. We need to define Air Quality Sensor (Parent) and Battery (Linked).

Service Hierarchy Node-Red

In room view it will be displayed as one accessory.

Service Hierarchy Overview

In in accessory detail view you will also notice battery percentage.

Service Hierarchy Details


Select Service from the list which will be used to represent this node.

Parent Service

This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Linked

Select Parent Service from the list to which this node’s Linked Service will be attached to.

Host Type

This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Parent

Option Description
Bridge Service will be hosted behind Bridge.
Accessory Service will be hosted as Standalone Accessory.


This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Parent and Host Type is set to Accessory

You can select already created Standalone Accessory Node or create a new one.

  • By clicking button with a pencil icon next to it, you can edit currently selected Accessory
  • You can also create a new one by clicking the same button when Add new homekit-standalone… is selected. Adding new HomeKit Standalone Accessory


This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Parent and Host Type is set to Bridge

You can select already created Bridge Node or create a new one.

  • By clicking button with a pencil icon next to it, you can edit currently selected Bridge
  • You can also create a new one by clicking the same button when Add new homekit-bridge… is selected. Adding new HomeKit Bridge

Important Notice, when you create a new Bridge for Service Node that is in a subflow, once deployed new Bridge will be created for each Subflow instance in a flow. If you create a Bridge outside a Subflow then it will be created only once (reused).


This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Parent and Host Type is set to Bridge

Serial Number

This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Parent and Host Type is set to Bridge


This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Parent and Host Type is set to Bridge

Firmware Revision

This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Parent and Host Type is set to Bridge

Hardware Revision

This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Parent and Host Type is set to Bridge

Software Revision

This field is only available when Service Hierarchy is set to Parent and Host Type is set to Bridge


Filter on Topic


Characteristic Properties

Wait for Setup message

Use Event callback

When checked it will output callback requests for get event. You can use get event to update values just in time, when requested! When user opens it will emit get event which will be used to request current value of the Characteristic.

In that case Service 2 node will output msg.hap.event:

  "name": "get",
  "context": {
    "callbackID": "2cc11105-734c-4951-8ab5-395d1ae4ed2f",
    "key": "Brightness"

Once you receive that kind of message you can use flow to fetch value and then send it to Service 2 like. msg.payload:

  "2cc11105-734c-4951-8ab5-395d1ae4ed2f": 60

Using provided callback ID (in example 2cc11105-734c-4951-8ab5-395d1ae4ed2f) Service 2 will send get event result to saying that current Brightness is 60.



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