
Updated October 22, 2021 by Shaquu and crxporter


  1. Open desired page
  2. Click

    Edit this page on GitHub

    on the bottom of the page
    • You will be directed to the raw page file in our GitHub repository
  3. In GitHub editor, add or edit content after last ---
    • For content, you can use markdown (preferred) or html
  4. Create new branch for commit and create Pull Request
    • Our Moderators will respond shortly!

Page parameters

On each raw page between --- you can find page specific parameters.

parameter description
title Page title, used in browser tab and also displayed at the top of the page
description Page description, displayed when you share page link
date Page creation date (ISO 8601)
lastmod Page last modification date (ISO 8601), to be edited after every change. You can use this page to generate one.
weight Page order in menu
toc If page table of content should be displayed
contributors List of contributors

Repository directory structure

All our wiki pages are located in content/wiki folder in our repository.

Linking to other pages within our wiki

When referencing other wiki pages, please use Hugo mechanism. This helps keep things organized and prevent broken links in the future.

Example [Bridge]({{< ref "/wiki/nodes/host-node" >}} "Host Node") Where you specify text, reference link, and text which is displayed on link hover.


When uploading screenshots, it is preferred to upload them to the GitHub repository in the same folder as the wiki page you are editing. The screenshot should be uploaded to the branch you are using for your pull request.

An example can be found here. Markdown is then used to reference the uploaded image file: ![Edit view](edit-view.png)

Adding contributor

Once you edit or add any content feel free to add yourself to contributors.

  1. In specific page add your name (case sensitive) to the end of array contributors: ["Shaquu", "crxporter"]
  2. If you want you can create your profile page in content/contributors
    • Use this as an example.

Edit this page on GitHub