
Updated February 8, 2022 by Shaquu


Before upgrading make sure that you are using the latest version of Node-RED and latest LTS version of Node.js
Upgrading from versions 0.X to 1.X is a breaking change, all devices will be reset in the Home app. Please review the release notes thoroughly before updating!

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Pass Characteristic key in event context for Service2


  • Updated hap-nodejs to 0.9.6 (bug fixes and security fixes)



  • Resolve issue with customCharacteristics not loading from file
  • Fixed publish process



  • Fix readme appearance on



  • Fixed customCharacteristics incorrect refresh in UI
  • Implemented static accessoryUUIDs for subflows Enables the use of nrchkb nodes in subflows with backwards compatibility #393 - thanks @kevinkub
  • Fixed Custom MDNS Configuration not showing in UI for Standalone Accessory
  • Stop components from clearing other component’s node.status call
  • Add missing advertiser selector in UI for Standalone Accessory
  • Not naming the host node causes a crash #424
  • Do not output oldValue for onSet as it does not have access to old value


  • Notice during app launch: Node.js 10 will be deprecated in Node-RED 2.0.0
  • Event output in Service 2 which is available in NRCHKB_EXPERIMENTAL #392 #437
  • Status node to fetch Serialized Service #210
  • Support for environment variables in characteristic properties #217


  • Updated hap-nodejs to 0.9.5 (added new iOS 15 Services and Characteristics)
  • Updated dependencies to latest versions
  • Changed BatteryService to Battery in demo examples as BatteryService is deprecated #381 - thanks @crxporter
  • Readme rework - thanks @crxporter
  • More descriptive error when incorrect Characteristic has been used in msg.payload
  • Add msg.hap.allChars to service nodes #438



  • nrchkb complaining about validValues #52



  • NO_RESPONSE not working



  • onChange fired when value not changed #390 - thanks for reporting @Delphius7



  • Resolve issues with incorrect Characteristics names used in node output



  • Resolve issues with some Characteristics names not being accepted since hap-nodejs upgrade



  • Fix allowMessagePassthrough=false not working for messages from



  • There was a problem when mdnsConfig was empty #322
  • There was a problem when NRCHKB was updated without Node-RED restart #363
  • Linked service throws error during setup if parent waits for the setup message (thanks @AlexOwl)
  • . in Bridge name was causing it not being published without any feedback to user


  • More code tests
  • Verify if Node.js version criteria is met on start
  • Support fo9r Standalone Accessory mode (like in old times) #310
  • (Experimental) Support for Custom Characteristics #52
  • Add client IP address to onSet/onChange output message (msg.hap.session) #328
  • As of new mdns advertiser available now there is a possibility to choose which you want to use in Bridge Config: ciao ( new, improved but not yet proved) or (good old) bonjour. Default bonjour


  • Updated hap-nodejs to 0.9.4
  • Updated dependencies to latest versions
  • TypeScript-ify code
  • Generate random pin code for new Bridge nodes

[1.2.0] - 2020.08.16


  • JS console error when opening a linked service #278
  • Fixed outputs number not being remembered by editor
  • Fixed saving Software Revision fo Service node
  • Fixed HAPStorage path on Windows
  • There was a translation issue, changed pilot to remote in README.


  • Added Firmware, Software and Hardware Revision fields to Bridge configuration
  • Now we have examples that you can import in node-red!
  • You can make Service node wait for setup message.


  • Now Firmware, Software and Hardware Revision and Model fields are set by default to NRCHKB version, Manufacturer is NRCHKB by default
  • Updated hap-nodejs to 0.7.8
  • Updated dependencies to latest versions
  • Disallow using port 1880 for Bridge as that port is reserved for node-red

[1.1.1] - 2020.06.30


  • Firmware Revision configuration option ( optional) #211
  • Hardware and Software Revision configuration option (optional)
  • Project now support typescript!


  • Error status is not passed to callback when “No response” was triggered #227 also discussed in #185


  • Some rework
  • Updated hap-nodejs to 0.7.3
  • Updated dependencies to latest versions
  • Moved lint-staged config to main level and added minimum nodejs version


  • Some unused code disappeared.

[1.0.4] - 2020.03.03


  • Warn when trying to deploy node without bridge or parentService attached #214
  • Additional Command Line value in Camera Control is now optional #214

[1.0.3] - 2020.03.01


  • Video Filter value in Camera Control is now optional in node-red editor too #214

[1.0.2] - 2020.03.01


  • Warning about lost compatibility on README page.

[1.0.0] - 2020.02.23

Lost backward compatibility. In order to make it work read this notice.


  • Node id macify algorithm changed #170
  • Corrections regarding issue #12 so that changes can be deployed without restarting node-red
  • Automatically creating a new service and replacing the old one if the service type changed
  • Automatically replacing an accessory with a new one if the accessory information changes (e.g., Name, Manufacturer, …)
  • Video Filter value in Camera Control is now optional #194 (can be empty, before it was generated if was empty)
  • Removed updateReachability as it is deprecated (and doesn’t make a difference)


  • After Service selection in node configuration Category will be automatically set to default for Service
  • Interface Name for Camera Service configuration
  • Support for new TV Remote services
  • Now first output is for onChange, second for onSet and third for camera snapshot. #200
  • Sponsor Button on repository page


  • Accessory Category in node configuration moved under Service selection
  • Update node-red version in dependencies
  • Camera Service source code to match the newest improvements in homebridge-camera-ffmpeg
  • Update to latest HAP-NodeJS
  • Removed unnecessary accessory category from service node
  • Removed fields Manufacturer, Serial Number and Model from linked service nodes
  • Moved eslint and prettier configuration to package.json
  • Added automatic linting on pre-commit

[0.8.0] - 2019.10.14


  • Added greenkeeper
  • Added setting to Bridge configuration called Allow Message Passthrough


  • Updated README


  • Revert hap.context in node output

[0.7.1] - 2019.10.13


  • Added labels to node outputs as there are new output for camera snapshot

[0.7.0] - 2019.10.12


  • CHANGELOG page introduction
  • Change from “characteristic-change” to “set” to listen to HAP-NodeJS events
  • Sorted Service Type list in UI
  • Camera support (RTSP, Video Doorbell and others)
  • RemoteKey value now appears in node output!
  • HAP-NodeJS version changed to latest (0.5.0)
  • Added Accessory Category field for Parent Service
  • More code refactoring
  • The Newest HomeKit Docs uploaded
  • Security hints
  • And more…


  • MIT license
  • Better node-red tests
  • Prettified and linted code!
  • Support for node 8 and 10 only
  • GitHub Actions for automatic tests and publish
  • And more…


  • Removed read/write boundaries for Characteristics
  • And more…

[0.6.2] - 2019.03.27


  • Some minor changes in README


  • Hotfix for “NO_RESPONSE”

[0.6.1] - 2019.03.21


  • Reintroduced DEBUG mode (DEBUG=NRCHKB node-red)


  • Renaming organisation
  • Minor changes to process of finding Parent Service as Linked Service


  • Crash upon removing bridge from Home #22
  • Fix: “Error: This callback function has already been called by someone else…” #66

[0.6.0] - 2019.03.16


  • Introduce Linked Services #41
  • MDNS Configuration #44
  • Filter on Topic
  • NO_RESPONSE trigger #48
  • onIdentify #54
  • Added automatic tests for building project, code quality and finding vulnerabilities


  • Redesigned README

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